Thursday, December 4, 2008

Navasota Road Trip

This morning I visited my class at Bowen. When I opened the door all their little faces lit up and screamed "Ms. Rhodes!" While they didn't get the pencil bags I wanted to give them, I think they liked the aggie pencils. I'm glad I had one extra boy bent the pencil thinking it was a bendable pencil. When did those come into make? Anyways...I gave the extra one to him. Another boy, my favorite, took the card I wrote "Merry Christmas -Love Ms. Rhodes" and crosssed out Ms. Rhodes, wrote his name and then handed the card back to me. It then read "Merry Christmas - Love C****" He's too cute!


Holly and I finally got our road trip.... to Navasota, Texas. Just a short twenty-minute drive and we arrived to a long narrow street familiar to Cuero Texas.

Holly was looking for a new computer chair. We searched through the antique shops on Washington Ave. It's amazing what people throw in those places.

There weren't any chairs that met Holly's price range, but we defintely had a lot of fun. My favorite part of antique shops are the old hats. Holly and I had a few modeling sessions with fun hats....we looked like Eskimos, or Russians, or like Aladdin.

Of course I mangaed to find some food.....fudge! I tried divinity and pecan fudge, but ultimately went with the chocolate peanut butter. It was delightful!

The evening ended at Olive Garden ... soup and salad, my favorite!

I can't wait to be home for fires, Christmas tree and lights, family, baking with mom

..... can't wait!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Bittersweet End

Our last day on campus (Sabrina, Brenna, and I)
Yes Mom .... I know I look gorgeous- blah!

This is from a week ago... Elephant Walk

Harrington - Where I spent most of my time


Lauren reminded me today how far behind I am in the blog world. That girl keeps me on my toes. Im going to miss you Lauren! ~

Today was a redefined today for our methods section, which meant we were forced to go to class and play pointless games and act as though we cared to learn. What it really did was give us the opportunity to gossip about our Thanksgiving break and spend one last day together on campus.

During Social Studies, my favorite class by far, Mrs. Eidson shared with us a story of her first year teaching. She was blessed, and I say blessed lightly, with a student who was born to a crack addicted mother and was highly emotionally disturbed. He brought her to tears daily and gave my poor teacher a definte run for her money. Mrs. Eidson spent afternoon and afternoon in the counselors office crying, pleading for sanity, and wondering how this possibly could have happened to her. Then year ended...the young boy moved on....Mrs. Eidson started a family and moved away from the inner city. Eight years later she received a phone call from the counselor she had spent so much time with during her first year of teaching. The counselor was no longer working for the school district, but for the prison system performing psychiatric analysis work. During this time, the young boy, the same boy that nearly tortured Mrs. Eidson for a year, entered the prison system for a variety of reasons and the counselor was given the job of analyzing this man. One of the things she asked him to do was write down a list of people who loved him.....this was the reason the counselor had called my teacher. On this list, a list that many of us would not have enough paper for, the man wrote one name: my teachers. The story nearly brought us all to tears. My teacher had a hard time getting through the story in fact. At the end of her story she handed each of us a sheet of paper and an envelope. On the paper each of us wrote a letter to ourselves. A letter stating why we decided to become a teacher. She is going to mail it to us half way through our first year of teaching.....sweet isn't? I'm looking forward to getting it!

Overall, today's experience was surreal. My last day on a college campus....EVER! Mom asked if I was sad and I of course acted nonchalant about it. Yet, the longer I sit and ponder the thought the more depressed I actually become. The campus has been my home for three years, three very long years. It's felt my footsteps, swept up my tears, shined down upon my smiles, craddled my heart, warmed my soul, and strengthened my beliefs. It will be bizarre not spending my days walking to and from Harrington building.

I love this song ~

When the road gets dark and you can no longer see...just let me love throw a spark and have a little faith in me. When the tears you've cried are all you can believe. Just give these loving arms a try baby and have a little faith in me.

Time....Time is our friend, because for us there is no end...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The End Before A Beginning

Well, today was my last day at Bowen Elementary. I was sad, yet happy at the same time knowing I will return in the spring. Yep, thats right! God blessed me and gave me the opportunity to student teach just where I wanted!
Of course I couldn't just leave and not come back till January....I already told Mrs. Cade I would be back Monday morning to read the class a story. I think I will go into withdrawls from all my babies.
This is a card one of my girls, Allison, made for me. It's adorable!
It reads :
I'll miss you
Dear, Mrs. Rohds
I was so excited when I saw you in Mrs. Cade classroom. You are my first ATM student in my teachers room.
I hope you like teacher your new class. I will miss you so much. When Mrs. Cade said tomorrow was your lasst day I was so sad.
Just remember if you're upset of sad Just do your stratiges and remember Mrs. Cade class.
Does that get any more adorable? Ugh I loved it. Im not quite sure why she thinks I'm not returning-I told them I was...but the card made my day anyways.
She put an adorable photo of herself on the inside at the top...I cant show it yet until I get parental permission. Something I need to do! Shes precious.
Precious Precious Precious

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cross your fingers!!

Family Tailgate - Right after we won the beef BBQ cookoff!

Emily and I Saturday night
Amber and I at the tailgate...My stickers say "Beef" ... "Its whats for dinner" (family tailgate theme)

Geez I'm behind on my blog!

It has been nothing but crazy the last couple weeks with the end of the semester oming near. This past weekend is like a blur and I feel as though it should only be Tuesday...which of course its not. Why is it when your young you wish life would pick up the pace and keep on rolling as fast as possible and when your older you wish it could simply take a chill pill and relax? Funny how things work....I'm wishing mine would overdose for a couple days and just I could sleep and get caught up without losing time.

I had a good time this weekend with all of my friends but accomplished nothing. This procrastination left me stressed and overworked this week, BUT I finally got all my work done this evening. Well, it least what I had to get done. To add to my stressful week...I'm getting sick at the worst time possible. I already know I will spend the entire weekend preparing my online website, studying for two tests, and finishing up a final project...EEEKK
Today as school I graded papers on similies. Where you compare two things using the words like and as. The funniest one of all: The dog was as ugly as a baboons butt (written by a girl by the way)
Friday morning at 10 all methods students have a student teacher meeting. I will find out what and where my placement is in the spring. Cross your fingers and say a little extra prayer. If I dont get Mrs. Cade...I will cry. She gives me snickers throughout the's amazing how a small piece of chocolate can make your morning go from blah to awwww!!!
Thanksgiving needs to get here ASAP~I miss home

Thursday, October 30, 2008


It sure has been a while and yet I am still just as stressed as last week. Mom coming last weekend really did help though. She got me moving.
I just have to make it till Thanksgiving without having a mental or phyiscal breakdown...and then I will be okay. Three weeks...that's what I keep telling myself it least.
Instead of paying attention in math class, because it's just plain awful, Sabrina, Brenna, Lauren, and I play with our shape blocks. We are suppose to be learning how to use these to teach fractions (for FOUR weeks), but I think we all pretty much know how to do that. So, we play. This took Brenna and I a good fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes that I didn't have to listen to that woman talk. Well worth it...and it's pretty.
Bowen this week was busy. Busy busy busy. Or maybe I was just a bit more tired than usual? Not sure which one. Anyways, nothing out of the ordinary happened. I am starting some intervention work though with two of my students. They are on 1st and 2nd grade level reading. Very behind, poor things. They both have very committed families too. One of them really does need to be tested for special ed, the other just doesn't like to try. Although, the longer I am there the more she likes me. At the end of the day she asks if she can read with me. ....Anyways, I have to document what we do every week. If there isn't any documentation that they need to be tested it won't happen. I'm sure this will be an eye opening experience.
Tomorrow Lauren (the other methods 4th grade teacher) and I are going back to campus (on our lovely Friday morning) to work on our service project. I can't complain though...we are just helping the students make posters on bullying and then displaying them throughout the school. Fairly simple.
Normally I am not just suppppper excited about Halloween, but this year I have to say I am. I will be a was the least trashy outfit I could find. It's actually pretty cute. It came with a stinger, don't ask me why, but it's one I dont plan on wearing.
The best part about this week .................... time change on Sunday. ONE extra hour of SLEEP!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Was a Teacher!

I was a teacher today!!!!!
As a class, we discussed how reading a sentence can differ if it ends in a period, question mark, or exclammation mark. I paired off all the students, good readers with some that need help, funny with shy, and so on. Each group was given a short two page poem they practiced and then presented to the class. I didn't expect them to enjoy it, but they loved it! Mrs. Cade and I did it before to show them...mabye thats why. We made it look like fun. They did so well though and used expression. We had feet stomping and arms flying in the air. It amazes me how adorable they are. I call them my babies.
I was so nervous though. Mainly because Mrs. Cade was there. She asked me after school what I thought about the lesson. I told her I was actually kind of nervous. She said at one point she could tell I was a little nervous and remembered what that was like. She made sure to tell me that she would never be sitting there just critiquing me or judging me. After the lesson she gave me a little note telling me I did great, how great of connection I have with the students, and how much she appreciates me. I love her. If I dont get to be with her in the spring I will be devastated!!
Mrs. Cade gave me two pictures. One of the girls and one of the boys in the class. I tried to scan them, but it wouldnt work. Next week I will be sure to take my camera. I can't believe I havent taken any yet. Although, some schools wont let you take any without parental permission. Thats why I havent tried. Now I will....I need pictures of my babies!
And the procrastination goes on...and on...and on......

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


While I was writing early this morning I completely forgot to provide a weekend recap. Finally Amber was actually in town!!! We hung out with our usually group of overly silly Aggie boys, along with a few graduates from West Point who are now in the Army living in Oklahoma. All the boys act like ten year olds, which is why they are so much fun! There is never a dull moment, never a smile that recedes ones face, or a laugh that isn't chuckling.

Friday night we all met to watch Josh dunk his ring. He did excellent....29 seconds, surprising us all. In addition to great chugging abilities, he tie dyed his own outfit. A head band and biker far, the funniest thing I have seen in weeks!

Saturday all of us got up early. Well, as early as we could that is. ATM vs Tech was actually a bigger fight than expected. Not that I payed any attention....I learned a new game instead. It's called backyard golf. Two golf balls are attatched at the ends of a piece of rope. You throw the rope (by holding one of the golf balls) and try to ring it around one of three pieces of horizontally layed PBC pipe. Who has time to think of these things...Im not sure, but it was definitely fun...and I most defintely sucked at it.

Today at Bowen was fairly pretty quiet. The best part? Scholastic Book Sale OF COURSE! I got so excited when I walked in this morning to see the doors open, books waiting for me on crisp white shelves. I bought eleven....eleven well deserved and spectacular books that is!

After school I met Amber and Emily to head out on a mini roadtrip. Amber has been dying to get a puppy. She finally found a lady selling three Sheltie pups in Caldwell. We packed in Amber's small white mustang and headed down the highway. Three babes, big sunglasses, and the radio blasting. We make our turn onto private road 1007 and journey down a long narrow gravel road. We are what seems to be near this "puppy farm" house (as Mom calls it) when we see large bumps of unsettled sand and gravel. The road dips and rises. Clearly they didn't see if necessary to level the gravel they had recently placed on the road. Amber slowly drags her low car along the gravel before stopping halfway. We all had realized the cliff of gravel that lied ahead us would be impossible. Thank God for cell phones...she called the lady.

This lady, who must spend all day outside and have smoked for half her life, agrees to meet us where we are stopped. After Amber gets off the phone, she proceeds to try and turn her car around. In the process we manage to get stuck horizontally in this narrow road. We can go no more than a foot in front of or behind us, and our wheels are burried deep in sand. Luckily, the lady arrives quickly as well as the neighbors whose house we are sitting in front of. It took about 15 minutes, but the neighbor and his young son were eventually able to pull us out, but not without sand and dirt flying ten feet in the air....all toward us. .... The pups were adorable and Amber is desperate for one. Don't we all the moment we hold them! If she does end up buying the puppy I think she will be sure not to take her car back to get it!!!

Tomorrow I will be teaching my first actual lesson. Up until now I just helped out or did the daily warm ups for langauge and math. The lesson has to do with fluency and expression when reading. Two students will be paired, each with a set of lines. They will practice together and then present their poem/story to the class using as much expression as possible and reading fluently while doing so. I'm not exactly having to teach anything, it's mostly the students working. Although, I'd much rather be walked into the lesson process than thrown.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I should be Sleeping ~

Do you ever turn off your lights,
Pull up the covers,
Try to fall asleep
But all these thoughts and ideas keep popping up in your mind?
Like a kernel to popcorn.
Pop Pop Pop!
You're doing your best to
override the little leeches,
They are screaming at you.
Listen to Me!
Whirling around
Like some tornado thats impossible to hide from.
Wheels turning
of miles per hour.
My mind did just that.
Future ...Eeek...
What a scary thought.
Schools and Teaching... Goodness...
How Overwhelming.
I might just die!
If you had asked me
A day ago,
One week,
Or a month past
I would have told you
"Anywhere, but here."
Take me as far away from this land
of Maroon and White.
I'm in need of some
Blues, and Golds,
and Greens.
All of the sudden it doesn't
Look so
Bowen Elementary has
Three fourth grade teachers
and room for
Whats missing?
Social Studies of course...
I finally realized
That if I was given the
To interview and maybe take
On that position
I would do it
In a Snap!
Snap! Snap! Snap!
Molly is staring at me
Like I'm some
One a.m. and I'm typing
some silly blog.
Shes begging me to turn the lights
Maybe my mind is at peace now.
It can rest since my thoughts
Have been put down.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Love Story

The best part of my day was listening to my fourth grade mentor teachers discuss their love stories. My teacher, Elizabeth, met her husband at the blossoming age of fourteen. They have been inseparable since. They now have two children, one a senior in high school, the other in middle school. She says hes the best man she has ever known.

But here's the real kicker. The story that made my heart jump and flutter. The story that makes you think fairy tales really can come true....depending on your interpretation of a fairy tale that is....

Lauren's mentor, Nona, had her fair share of failed relationships. She dated the bad, the ugly, and the worse. Sometimes all in one as she will say. After quite some time she took advice from her mother. Her mother began to tell her an interesting story of her own that has stuck with her to this day. When her mother was younger she wrote down everything she wanted in a man...kind, giving, get the drift. She placed the list in her Bible and exactly a year later from that date she met Nona's father. Nona thought What the Heck! What do I have to lose? She thus set out to create her very own list of qualities she thought she deserved from a man, actually knew she deserved

On July 16 she placed the list in her Bible and forgot about it. ....Time went by and she continued to work at the vet's office as a receptionist. One day a man walked in, one she described as a "big guy" carrying a kitten. His kitten was treated, he was friendly with her, and went on his way. That night she received a call from the handsome kitten man... at home, somehow he had tracked her home number. He played it off well, stating he had with a question about the cat's medicine. He asked her out on a date and since then, well, the rest is history. They have twin daughters in first grade and a younger daughter as well. .............And do you know the exact date he walked into that clinic...Yes, it was July 16th. A year from the date in which she scribbled down everything she wanted in a man. She said later on she went to the checklist and saw the date. She then went down every item...he got a check for all!


Needless to say, I have made my list and its tucked tight in my Bible.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Snakes and Lizerds

I made up my mystery absence on Friday. Mrs. Cade told me all the students were wondering where I was. Even students came up to me asking where I was Wednesday and if I felt better....guilt trip or what!!! Now I can never miss again.
Friday was pretty easy. The students had an award assembly in the morning so the day went by fairly quickly. At lunch the tattoo parlor closed...for good. Another parlor started up and the fights began. Bad for business the original parlor said. A fight ensued, thus foreclosure took place. None of them were very happy.
The best part of Friday was as school was letting out. The girls always come up and give me hugs, not the boys though. One boy in particular, the round black boy I wanted to draw a few weeks ago during testing, is very shy and doesnt like to be touched much (Itleast thats what Mrs. Cade says). So in the past I've made sure just to pat him on the back or give encouragement through words. But Friday afternoon as the bell was ringing, he came and hugged me. I got the biggest smile on my face. Thats when you know youre doing something worthwhile!
This weekend was very relaxed. Saturday I didnt get out of pajamas till was great. Actually I can say the same for today...its 4 p.m. and I am in pajamas. LAZY!!!
These are pictures some of the girls have drawn for me. I especially like the t-shirt drawing. cute is that!! Those drawings make my day :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Shady Tree To Learn Under

My morning did not begin well. The alarm clock did not bang, it did not ring, it didn't even whisper a soothing melody. My eyes opened as school began this morning at 7:30 a.m. I was then forced to call in and give an excuse (a.k.a a lie) for not being able to go. Mine was a sore throat and congestion. That'll do right? I have NEVER missed an observation day in my life. Of course it happens with the teacher I love the most! I plan to make up day to sleep in. Whoever invited alarms is stupid in my opinion. All it has done is create havoc. What happened to the days when we were simply woken up by God's sunlight and began our day then???

I can't say much took place today. Ran a couple errands, went to the gym, worked on a little project I have due in a couple weeks, walked with Holly, and then read countless pages out of my pointless math book. I'm pretty much screwed tomorrow. I read most of the stuff, not all though. I dont have time to read 6 chapters. I read a good 3, the chapters that we were quizzed on. Although I'm not sure my brain retained much of it. It's all just kind of jambled and scattered in there....floating in wide open space. But a space that causes it to disorient itself and makes that sound when you come to a radio station that doesn't exist...SHHHHHHHHHHH

Tomorrow will undoubtedly be one of the longest days ever. Yes I am being dramatic. Thursdays just really suck. I wish we could learn outside under a shady tree or take a walk, but instead we are stuck in a classroom with few, if any, windows and flourescent lighting. I know how the kiddies feel. And instead of learning of helpful websites, how to read TAKS scores, or creating unique units....we are playing with base ten blocks. Sticks and little cubes. As you can tell, I'm rather bitter about this semester. I'm still waiting for the fun to come.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Tattoo Parlor

I love my teacher. I dont think I can say it enough. I love my mentor teacher.

She asked me today if I was SURE I wanted to student teach with her. "Of course! 100%" I said! She is so sweet....shes going through a whole process of filling out papers just so I can be in her room. Hopefully that all works out!

I enjoyed school today. It seemed less hectic for some reason. I spent most of the day grading papers and making a giant card for a student who had his appendix out. Art in the classroom...what better what to spend my day?!!

Speaking of art....I've always wanted to paint African American children. Im not quite sure why, I guess I just think their coloring is beautiful. I found this painting on the internet and loved it. The colors, the mood, the girls little afro. It actually reminds me of a young African American student in the fourth grade. Shes not in my class, but I see her everyday. Shes a prissy thing with a very large attitude. Shes the girl that rules the grade level, makes the rules, calls the shots kinda gal. Oh, and shes a imagine two of those coming at you full force. I had to give her the evil eye last week. She was talking, whispering, and pointing to students in my class just after we had our Fourth Grade Class Meeting on bullying. So, as I said I gave her the eye at lunch. The eye that says "I see what your doing, I don't like it, and Im going to continue to watch you." Since then she stares at me. at recess they set up a tattoo parlor. Yes, a tattoo parlor. The twins apparently came upon some very glittery gel pens and decided to give other girls tattoos, but you had to be on a the list, or put your name on the list and wait in line. So at recess I wandered to their little parlor and requested a silver heart on my wrist (My teacher had just gotten a pink one on hers). My name was put down and with time one of the twins gave me my tattoo. Very quickly though, but I think its because she doesnt like me...still. Being the artist I am and always having to play with media, I grabbed on of the pens and gave another little girl a butterfly tattoo on the top of her hand. I wished you could have seen the face I got. It said "I knoooow you didnt jus take my pen gurl....what you think you doing with best be putting that back in here soon." The whistle was blown shortly after and she gathered her materials very quickly.

After school Holly and I went for a quick walk/run. It felt great. The weather today was perfect- warm, sunny, and a cool breeze. We go back into the neighborhood off Munsen. There is not as much traffic and the neighborhood is quite charming.

Of course I got nothing school related done this afternoon/evening. Which, in turn, means it will all have to be done tomorrow....yuck! I have senoritis right now. I've been in school for 16 years. SIXTEEN YEARS. I think letting myself slack off just a bit for one semester is deserved right? Mom is shaking her head...I know. I've gotten this far-Why give up now? I need motivation...How do i get that though? I dont really have anything to excite me. No work that challenges me. Maybe I should paint....will that motivate me? Probably not in regards to school.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Kooks Cancelled...

The Kooks cancelled friday night. Drew came all the way here to go to the concert in Houston, it was his birthday gift from me. Literally...Drew and I have the car packed, are turning off all the lights, checking the air and stove...then Amber calls. Five mintues before we are about to walk out the door....The Kooks just cancelled. A band member is sick. DANGIT! The only good thing that came out of that was the fact that we had not left yet.
Thus, I was required to try and find something somewhat entertaining for my brother to do. Friday night we ate at Wings N More and as always.... I went beyond needed consumption. He spent the evening with friends and I did as well. Yesterday we vegged ALL day. Although, we did go to Gander Mountain....which isnt near as bad as I thought it would be. We had dinner at C&J's was delicious! After, Drew, Holly, Corbin and I came back and hung out for a bit before heading to a friends house. We stayed there for the rest of the evening and then went and had Canes chicken strips and fries at 1 am. Nothing sounds better at 1 am then a basket of yummy french fries!
Drew just left actually....the weekend went by realllllly fast. Im sure he would have enjoyed himself more if he got to go to the concert. We were both looking forward to it. Oh well... It was just nice to get to spend some time together.
Tomorrow another busy week begins. I have more assignments then last week. Projects and tests for the most part....tests that I am WAY behind in reading for! I need some motivation at this point...Im lagging...lagging reallll bad.
Oh and the chicken hat...Holly came by with it. She got it at target for Ava, her cat. Can't you tell how much Molly loved this! Just by watching her facial expressions I know she was thinking some pretty hateful things at that moment. Shes no chicken!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dont Stop Dont Change Stay Beautiful

Today was LONG. I'd much rather be in my 4th grade classroom standing for hours. I signed up to attend the education career fair on October 20th...something I'm very nervous about. Most of them won't even be looking for a graduate of May, instead students who graduate in December, but our professors think it's a good idea to get your "face" out there.

Molly is very very very tired. Although, she did leave the bed today to sunbathe. She said she really enjoyed that. It was just the right mix of light and heat. It made her silky furr glow. Right now she is laying on her shoes.

Tomorrow Drew arrives and we will head to the big city of Houston. We are going to see The Kooks, a british pop band. The concert is at the Meridian, which Amber assumes will be somewhat small since its a hotel we believe. I'm okay with that. I doubt REAL small, but nothing HUGE. We are staying the night at her boyfriend, Greg's place. I can't wait. It should be an enjoyable event!

I heard a song today in the car "stay beautiful." The lyrics kinda just stayed with me. "Dont stop, dont change, stay beautiful." Maybe that's my new motto. ....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

4th Grader Mini-Dramas

Boy Fourth Graders sure are interesting specimens. Today at Bowen Elementary was quite something. Lets see where to start ???

All of the fourth grade had a meeting today. That made 3 teachers, 2 method students, and 60-70 fourth graders. There was a LONG list we all had to go over. Not really we, the teachers. But Lauren and I have noticed the behavior and have our eyes and ears open. It was simple things like not listening, dont touch your friends food, no food fights, treat each other with respect, and no name calling. The big one, the one that surprised me: No fighting. Apparently two boys had scheduled , yes scheduled, a fight today at recess. One boy stole the other boys girlfriend. Drama already and they are only 10! One student over heard and told the teacher. Needless to say, there was no fight. I dont think it will be the last scheduled fight though. All of these kids are so into their mini-dramas. All they talk about is this persons boyfriend or how they pulled a girls number. I dont remember being like that. All I can really remember was liking boys in fourth grade (or every grade for that matter "wink wink" ) and wishing Amanda would let me play soccer - she always told me they didnt have room for me. See ... that rotten thing started out mean.

My second interesting story has to do with a boy in Lauren's class. Since we started this observation he has been nothing but trouble. Bringing air horns to school, which is against the law. Stealing things off the teacher's desk, threatening and pushing other students, including the teachers kindergarten twin daughters. He told them he was going to hurt them. How stupid can this kid be? Espeically to do it to a teacher's child...... Yesterday he was required to sit in ISS - In School Suspension. His mother is no help either. Last week when he got into trouble for the air horn- she brought him Schlotzskis for lunch. What a punishment!!! ..........Apparently, he didnt learn his lesson though. Today he was all over the place. Humping the bookshelves (yes, humping), asking Lauren if she is Mexican (shes not, nor does she look like it), and discussing sex topics with friends under the table. He really went over and beyond when he, and a friend (who just laughed and was purely there to watch) asked Lauren if she (and Im not sure if these are the exact words, but are in the vacinity) if she..."gave it up for her husband." 1. Shes not married and doesnt even wear a ring on that finger. 2. Did he really just ask her if she gave it up? Hes in fourth grade!!

Lauren was going to try an avoid the question. She was just taken aback he asked that. She didn't want him to get into anymore trouble, because the teacher has had to call his mother everyday for the week. When he left Lauren though, he began to laugh about it and tell all his friends. So she told the teacher and he is now in even more trouble. He then claimed he didnt even know what it meant when he asked if she gave it up. Liar. That poor teacher. And Lauren. Can you fourth grade already bullying, stealing, and talking about sex. Just imagine high school! It's really sad! And Im sure his mother will do nothing. She already thinks the ISS for the air horn and threats was too harsh. (And if you're wondering...she's a single parent, he's never met his father, and has an older brother which im sure is real "cool" - but still those aren't good enough reasons for his behavior)

So that what all very interesting. Fourth graders these days are much more ahead in the relationship/sex world that I EVER expected. Geezzz....Needless to say I am exhausted. I never really realized how long a teacher's job is. You're not done at 3:30 .... Nope. You work hours after that and into the weekend. Every one of the fourth grade teachers, so far this semester, has been at the elementary school every Saturday almost all day since school started. YUCK. I was not real pleased to hear this.

Anyways....on campus tomorrow and then a girl's night with Amber and maybe Laura. That is the only part of tomorrow I am excited for! And knowing that I dont have school Friday of course! :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bowen Way

Today was back at ole Bowen Elementary. We were fairly busy, but the kids were well behaved today. On three separate occasions I got to work either one on one or in groups. Surprisngly, I enjoyed it. I get to be kind of silly with them and they pay attention more.

My teacher told me a sad story. Keep in mind - the class is learning about the metric system right now. ... Well, one girl in her class she said has all the sudden just completely changed in behaviour. Our of no where. She used to be very reserved and well-behaved. Now she is all over the place and not listening. Well, after repeated warnings she asked the young girl to listen and quit disobeying. Apparently the little girl was upset by the sharp warning and told a friend, or two, that if they measured the teachers would be itleast two meter sticks wide. HOW AWFUL. Somewhere around this little girl was the student who likes to tell the teacher everything, the one who acts like the spy, and she did just that. My teacher said her feelings were hurt, especially since that area can be a sensitive subject, but that she wasnt going to say anything or let it affect her teaching. I felt bad for her!

Other than was great. But I felt like a zombie. I never really got energy. Good thing the kids keep me busy or I would have just passed out.

Mom informed of two things: 1. I actually did wear a heart monitor for 30 days and simply forgot. Im not really sure how though. 2. I use the word "itleast" and thats not a word. I never really thought about my use of that word until she told me. Ive never been good at grammar anyways :) Love me for misspellings

I've been so lazy this week. Im not sure what has come over me. School is just finally starting to shut me down. Im so tired of nonsense work. I wouldnt mind if it would actually help me out come next year.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Im such a Procrastinator

Lauren told me I needed to get on my blog...I was taking to long! :) This weekend was a lot of fun. Thursday I ate dinner at Olive Garden with Holly and Pale. It was scrumptious as always. Never go wrong with a salad and bean soup. We watched Greys Anatomy afterward. I must say, I was fairly disappointed in it. Friday......hmm Friday. I slept in. Finished up some homework. Cleaned. Then went out on the town.

Saturday I basically did nothing until the evening. I told myself I would do homework.... I might have told myself, but didn't do a very good job of convincing. Nothing got done. Holly and I went to a ring dunk. Rachael invited us. We had no idea who the boys were that dunked and got there literally seconds after they finished. So everyone EVERYONE saw us walk into the backyard directly after they finished. The best part, the families catered the event with chopped BBQ burgers. It hit the spot...I cant remember the last time I had one of those.

Sunday...once again did NO homework. Holly and I did however go see Nights In Rodanthe. I had read the books years ago, but didnt remember a thing. I just knew that one the main characters die. Knowing that I dont cry all that easily, Im not sure if it was my mood or if it was truly that sad...but I bawled. Holly did too. After, we went for a walk. It felt really good outside and we could use the exercise.

So that pretty much sums up the whole weekend...basically I spent it with Holly. She was highly entertaing though. And I introduced her to some new friends .... hopefully I will be able to get her out more. She needs it!

Today Lauren and I got SOME work done. We are such go-getters (today we were itleast haha). To bad everyone else isnt. Win some lose some. Lauren, poor little darling, is having to wear a halter monitor for 3o days. She is having fast heart palpitations. I feel so bad for her! I had to wear a monitor for 3 days and thought I was going to die. She gets the same itches and rashes as well! Poor thing...

This week shouldnt be too overwhelming. I feel like I dont have THAT much to do, but that could change in an instant. Always does. The Kooks concert Im taking Drew too is in just a few days and Im thrillled!! For the most part, besides little country concerts, its my first REAL concert. And they are great band to sing and dance to. Im looking forward to it!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ring & Birthday Weekend

The weekend began of course with Mom arriving Thursday night. Which, by far, was the best. Friday was BUSY. Very very busy. For mom's birthday I took her to get a pedicure. It was at the Riveria Day Spa. It resembled the Woodhouse, but we both thought it was better. By lunch, I think I had already wore Lisa out! Poor thing is gunna be tired for days after a weekend with me. Anyways.........
After, we hurried home and got ready for the ring ceremony. Not that I would call it a ceremony, more like ...stand in line for five minutes, sign your name on a line, get a box with a gold ring, and take a few pictures in an ugly gym-like building. So, I got my ring and was much more excited than I expected to be. After taking a ton of pictures with Emily and Amber (and sweating way too much from standing outside) we headed home to prepare for the party.

The ring/birthday party started at 7 or so. Basically we all just stood around outside Amber's place and visited. I was starved having to wait to eat until after the dunk. Yes dad, I dunked it. Peer pressure...sorry. But, I did pretty good :) Once that was over, a big sigh of relief came, and then I ate, and ate a lot! A friend of Amber’s made Mom and I the prettiest cake. It was delicious! After, I hung out with John and Kelly for the rest of the night. Besides Mom coming this weekend, John and Kelly coming made my day.

Saturday I can’t say too much happened. Altho, it was busy even so. ....Sunday Mom and I ran lots and lots of errands, ate lunch at Friday’s (which took FOREVER), and went to see the new Dane Cook movie. Which I LOVED. He’s a funny funny guy. Monday- we first headed to DPS to get my driver license renewed, one that I didn’t have to get renewed. After wasting our time there, we went to the new outlet mall in Houston. Then spent the afternoon relaxin on the floor watching Made of Honor. For my birthday, Mom took me to Olive Garden, my favorite! I had bowls upon bowls of salad, parmesean crusted tilapia, and a big piece of Black Tie Mousse cake. All I can say is ...I have had A WHOLE LOT of sweets this weekend. Somehow, I have managed to become tired of sweets. Although, im sure that will last an entire five minutes before I am ready for my next cookie.

Overall, the weekend was quick, tiring, fun, and full of laughter. I was thrilled to get my ring, had a blast with mom, and enjoyed all the company. I had more friends show up to the party than I had imagined would, which of course meant a lot!

I spent the majority of the day at Bowen. I was a zombie though. I couldn’t stop yawning. The students were much better behaved than last Thursday and I got to work one-on-one with a group of students during reading time. At first I really wasn’t looking forward to working with this particular group of students, bad of me to say, but I wasn’t. They were the students that have trouble reading, don’t pay attention, and simply don’t care. But as I worked with them, I really began to enjoy their little characters. Or should I say big characters. I think they did much better in a small group setting where other students weren’t taking over the class and got to participate without feeling scared of being wrong. Tomorrow I workout day so I get to wear sweat pants and tennis shoes….cant get any better than that!!
It sure is quiet now though...without Mom and Lilly barking every ten seconds ~

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My New School

My first day in my new field placement classroom was stupendous! The school appears as though its brand new and is very open. Almost loft-like. Plus, its only 5 minutes from my apartment! I meant to take a camera today so I could take a picture of the outside but I forgot. I will have to do that tomorrow and upload them on here.

I couldn't have asked for a better teacher. Mrs. Cade is so lively, animated, and! She is orginally from Texas, but married a man who is in the Air Force so she just moved back here in the last couple years from Nebraska. She just lets me ask her a million questions and replies so sweetly back. She even told her students that I was a teacher in the classroom. Not many of my past mentors actually acknowledged me as their equal.

What I noticed most about the class were the student's manners. All of them were expected to say "yas mam", "no mam", "excuse me", and "thank you." - Which I loved! ....They all thought it was freezing today. It wasnt, there was just a cool breeze, but quite a few came with jackets and sweatshirts on. It was pretty funny. Mrs. Cade told them they dont know cold!

As soon as class started she let me introduce myself. Being as sweet as she is, she decided we should all play a game so that I could start to get to know the kiddos. We all sat in a large oval on the floor. Then Mrs. Cade secretly went behind the teachers cabinet and grabbed a "special ball." Without showing the students what it looked like, she started to shake it. When she did her eyes grew larger and larger and so did the students. It sounded like one of those dog a baby crying, but somehow more pleasant and kinda fun. Each student got a turn at rolling this talking ball. When it came to the student - they looked at me, told me their name, and something they like to do or positive about themselves. For once I actually got excited about talking in front of a teacher and entire classroom. I just talked and talked about myself :) They all freaked when I told them that I was getting my aggie ring Friday and got even more excited when I told them I liked snakes. It was pretty amusing!

So the set up at this school is pretty neat. They call them "pods." Basically is a block of rooms (4) and in the center they share a small room and closet. In this center room are the teachers supplied, closets, blablabla. Each grade level has its own little environment. The outside of these pods looks like a house. It has windows and you can look in on the classrooms. I got to know the other 2 teachers (fourth grade only has 3 teachers, one room is empty) very quickly. I also asked Mrs. Cade this morning what she thought about me coming back in the spring to do student teaching with her, but shes going to have to check on some things. There of course are district rules. We know that a teacher must have taught itleast 3 years before they can have a student teacher in the classroom. We just arent sure if they have to have taught 3 yrs at a particular school or state. My teacher hasnt since she just moved from Nebraska. BUT one of the other 4th grade teachers said she would love to have me as a student teacher if Mrs. Cade cant. Theres another girl in my methods class actually with one of the 4th grade teachers (the one that said shed like to have me) and shes really sweet. Her name is Lauren. Shes moving to Dallas in the spring to do student teaching there and to be with her family. I said already making friends. They are just a fun group of ladies. ....Today was a little different from what I will normally see. Students were taking a practice TAKS reading test. So Lauren, and I took some students who are dsylexic to the vacant fourth grade room. In all today we probably spent a good 3 hours in there. For the TAKS reading test the students are required to read a passage and then answer some questions. Well, since the students have a learning disability they have trouble reading and comprehending at the same time. The students would read a passage and then Lauren and I would trade off reading the questions aloud. We had to repeat the questions over and over....poor things. I felt so bad. Im so blessed to have had everything come so easily. Although, there were a couple that really ticked me off. They didnt even try....not that I should be always have a few of those in the bunch. My poor teachers though, they were already stressing out over their students and the PRACTICE test because so many either didnt try or failed.

Oh! There was the CUTEST round black boy in the testing room with us today. Oh he is just so cute. I wanted to draw him, but thought it might seem a bit inappropriate. I have a feeling he could be one of my favorites :)

My actual methods teacher, the one that has to come watch me, the one that I said I really didnt want, came today. She scared the crap out of me too. She just walked in while the kids were testing in dead silence. Surprisingly tho, she was very nice and enthusiastic. Shes growing on me.....slowly.

What I was most excited about is .... Workout Wednesdays. Every Wednesday the faculty and students dress up in workout clothes and tennis shoes, reasonable ones that is. During recess the teachers run a lap with the students. I would say around the playground, but its not. There is actually a park behind the school....kinda odd. Especially when random people, families and their babies are out there. I guess its nice for the kids though, very open with lots of space for them to run around and use up some of that energy. All of them came in dripping in sweat. So we will run, and I hope by run they mean walk, around a small trail at the back of the school. you can tell I am rather enthusiastic about this teacher and this semester. Im in a grade I love, school thats very nice, and with a teacher who is so much fun. I know I will learn a lot. AND I only have to dress up in awful heels once a week :) Of course, I already made a trip to get some workout pants!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

So....Im actually back home. Somehow my father managed to talk me into/tell me I was coming home. Although I am kinda glad, College Station is a mess and IKE hasnt even hit yet.
This weekend should be interesting.

Im going to have to find ways to keeo myself busy...paint, homework HA, run on the treatmill HA! The person who invented the treadmill is an idiot by the way.....for the rest of the nation who would actually prefer to sit on the couch, i.e. normal folks, the treadmill is like a torture device.

Hopefully I will have a home in College Station to go back to, BUT just in case I dont...I packed all my most expensive shoes. I figured that if I HAD to lose everything, I itleast want some shoes left!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ike and Crickets

Today was actually pleasant. Except for the whole - No I cant tell you your results today thing. Seriously...tests either save tested positive or tested negative...that simple! What is there to interpret?? Where I got it...doubtful? Apparently more than I am aware of.

Molly and I awoke at 10, drank some coffee while we watched Regis and Kelly, then we cleaned (she had made a complete and utter mess of my bathroom), and continued to do homework for the remainder of the day. We actually finished our list of To Do's by 5!! Yay for us. Now we just have to figure this whole IKE thing out. It's making its way toward me, so hopefully my apartment wont cave in on me (We all know it has its problems). If it does, I've enjoyed life so far... Oh, and I'd liked to be buried with my cat.

Oh, she would like me include that she did get to play with a cricket for a while, but it was a little too ended up in my bathtub. Not while I was in it. While the water was running. So, the little guys fate was the toilet. But a double positive - Molly got to play and she didnt eat i dont have to smell her nasty breathe.

P.S. Im feeling much better today and am assuming its not mono. Unless this medicine is really working and as soon as I get just HITS me!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Project Lay in Bed all Day

So I'm realizing this whole Project 365 may be a little
harder than I thought it would. Takes much more dedication....with going out of town, feeling like poo, and internet shutting might not be possible.....maybe I'll call it Project Take it When It Means Something....

Today was rather uneventful....slept, did homework, worked on drews powerpoint, and got blood drawn. Testing for mono.....yuck! Although the young Mexican lady that drew my blood today was probably the best ever. It was quick and fairly painless. I think I need to bring her back to Victoria for the rest of us. ........Dad always said to stop sticking my fingers in his drink and drinking out of other peoples cups....this is what I get for it! All I can say is ....Karma

The only fun part of today, besides laying in bed, was going to Amber's to tye dye our shirts for ring day. I had never done any tye dying. It will be interesting to see how those turn out. Either way, mine is pink, turquoise, and aqua blue!

Im looking forward to not having school once again tomorrow. But Im defintely not looking forward to all the homework I have to accomplish is a days worth. Sure I got some done today...but probably not enough. Being on campus allllllll day llllong Thursday will defintely be torture.

Oh and Miss Molly...she slept ALL day long and is sure to keep me up ALL night long. Yay for me!
P.S. Have you ever Googled yourself? Its really sad when you've virtually nonexistent to the rest of the world!