Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship...Me and My Blog World. Me getting to talk about...Me...And of course Molly <3 friend Lauren has introduced me to the blog world and a unique idea: Project 365.
Project 365 involves the taking of pictures everyday for a year. Many people begin this project after the birth of their first baby or first year of marriage, but being the artist that I am.....Im going to try this little project out! I guess for those who arent poetic writers, ME, it's a way to capture your life and make an album of memories. Afterall, a picture is worth ....well, worth a lot!
For those who are not BLESSED to be surrounded by my sublime presence each and everyday, all day long, maybe it will give you a little insight into my day. Most importantly, Mom and Dad will get to see what their hard earned money is going toward in this Aggie world I live in.
So to start off my blogworld, the world of Morgan N is my first picture...the Love of My Life.
Isn't it amazing how wonderful a little devil can be when you take her out of the pit of fire, a house that requires her to share a litter box...that is.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

i knew you would fall in love! arent they great?! its truly addicting!