Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The End Before A Beginning

Well, today was my last day at Bowen Elementary. I was sad, yet happy at the same time knowing I will return in the spring. Yep, thats right! God blessed me and gave me the opportunity to student teach just where I wanted!
Of course I couldn't just leave and not come back till January....I already told Mrs. Cade I would be back Monday morning to read the class a story. I think I will go into withdrawls from all my babies.
This is a card one of my girls, Allison, made for me. It's adorable!
It reads :
I'll miss you
Dear, Mrs. Rohds
I was so excited when I saw you in Mrs. Cade classroom. You are my first ATM student in my teachers room.
I hope you like teacher your new class. I will miss you so much. When Mrs. Cade said tomorrow was your lasst day I was so sad.
Just remember if you're upset of sad Just do your stratiges and remember Mrs. Cade class.
Does that get any more adorable? Ugh I loved it. Im not quite sure why she thinks I'm not returning-I told them I was...but the card made my day anyways.
She put an adorable photo of herself on the inside at the top...I cant show it yet until I get parental permission. Something I need to do! Shes precious.
Precious Precious Precious

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