Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Bittersweet End

Our last day on campus (Sabrina, Brenna, and I)
Yes Mom .... I know I look gorgeous- blah!

This is from a week ago... Elephant Walk

Harrington - Where I spent most of my time


Lauren reminded me today how far behind I am in the blog world. That girl keeps me on my toes. Im going to miss you Lauren! ~

Today was a redefined today for our methods section, which meant we were forced to go to class and play pointless games and act as though we cared to learn. What it really did was give us the opportunity to gossip about our Thanksgiving break and spend one last day together on campus.

During Social Studies, my favorite class by far, Mrs. Eidson shared with us a story of her first year teaching. She was blessed, and I say blessed lightly, with a student who was born to a crack addicted mother and was highly emotionally disturbed. He brought her to tears daily and gave my poor teacher a definte run for her money. Mrs. Eidson spent afternoon and afternoon in the counselors office crying, pleading for sanity, and wondering how this possibly could have happened to her. Then year ended...the young boy moved on....Mrs. Eidson started a family and moved away from the inner city. Eight years later she received a phone call from the counselor she had spent so much time with during her first year of teaching. The counselor was no longer working for the school district, but for the prison system performing psychiatric analysis work. During this time, the young boy, the same boy that nearly tortured Mrs. Eidson for a year, entered the prison system for a variety of reasons and the counselor was given the job of analyzing this man. One of the things she asked him to do was write down a list of people who loved him.....this was the reason the counselor had called my teacher. On this list, a list that many of us would not have enough paper for, the man wrote one name: my teachers. The story nearly brought us all to tears. My teacher had a hard time getting through the story in fact. At the end of her story she handed each of us a sheet of paper and an envelope. On the paper each of us wrote a letter to ourselves. A letter stating why we decided to become a teacher. She is going to mail it to us half way through our first year of teaching.....sweet isn't? I'm looking forward to getting it!

Overall, today's experience was surreal. My last day on a college campus....EVER! Mom asked if I was sad and I of course acted nonchalant about it. Yet, the longer I sit and ponder the thought the more depressed I actually become. The campus has been my home for three years, three very long years. It's felt my footsteps, swept up my tears, shined down upon my smiles, craddled my heart, warmed my soul, and strengthened my beliefs. It will be bizarre not spending my days walking to and from Harrington building.

I love this song ~

When the road gets dark and you can no longer see...just let me love throw a spark and have a little faith in me. When the tears you've cried are all you can believe. Just give these loving arms a try baby and have a little faith in me.

Time....Time is our friend, because for us there is no end...

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