Thursday, December 4, 2008

Navasota Road Trip

This morning I visited my class at Bowen. When I opened the door all their little faces lit up and screamed "Ms. Rhodes!" While they didn't get the pencil bags I wanted to give them, I think they liked the aggie pencils. I'm glad I had one extra boy bent the pencil thinking it was a bendable pencil. When did those come into make? Anyways...I gave the extra one to him. Another boy, my favorite, took the card I wrote "Merry Christmas -Love Ms. Rhodes" and crosssed out Ms. Rhodes, wrote his name and then handed the card back to me. It then read "Merry Christmas - Love C****" He's too cute!


Holly and I finally got our road trip.... to Navasota, Texas. Just a short twenty-minute drive and we arrived to a long narrow street familiar to Cuero Texas.

Holly was looking for a new computer chair. We searched through the antique shops on Washington Ave. It's amazing what people throw in those places.

There weren't any chairs that met Holly's price range, but we defintely had a lot of fun. My favorite part of antique shops are the old hats. Holly and I had a few modeling sessions with fun hats....we looked like Eskimos, or Russians, or like Aladdin.

Of course I mangaed to find some food.....fudge! I tried divinity and pecan fudge, but ultimately went with the chocolate peanut butter. It was delightful!

The evening ended at Olive Garden ... soup and salad, my favorite!

I can't wait to be home for fires, Christmas tree and lights, family, baking with mom

..... can't wait!

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