Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009 Begins ..... The Year of Growth

Wow, 2008 has flown by so quickly. I feel like it was just Christmas of 2007. Dad's right, time goes by faster and faster each passing day. I guess it teaches you not to take much for granted. Spending three weeks at home over the break was not only relaxing (much needed relaxation), but enjoyable. Christmas was a blessing as always! Most important of all, Miss Molly has a brand new collar to sport. A baby blue compliments her eyes. She rolled it around in the dirt for a good two weeks to work it in.

I can at least say that 2009 has begun with a BANG! I celebrated New Years at Hollys. Spent time at the bay. Chit-chatted with my girlies. Shopped with mom. Have a new boyfriend :) ..... I'm enjoying the year so far.

Tomorrow I will begin my student teaching term. 60 days...that's it. After 60 days I am on my own. No more school...No more tests....No more studying (I hope!). I can't wait to listen to my kiddo's Christmas stories....there's never a dull moment in teaching!

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