Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 4 .... feels like Week 100

This is one of those weeks that never seems to end.  I might have referred to the past few weeks as agonizing, but this one beats out.  It has been overly stressful and it’s only Wednesday.

 Monday I dealt with a kid who was banging his head on a door because he was frustrated.  Yesterday, a girl who could care less about her TAKS test, thus failed.  Today, a girl shooting food through her straw.  The girl sitting across from her got the food- strawberry juice and whip cream to the hair. 

 On a happy note – I haven’t received an apple, but I did get some jewelry.  One of my sweet little girls made me a bracelet with a big strawberry charm on it.  Super cute! She’s a sweetheart! The same little girl gave me the biggest laugh Monday morning – a silent laugh that is.  For some reason, neither Mrs. Cade nor I know why, our kids believe they are falling apart.  (I know mom – I did the same) We send at least five students to the nurse everyday.  What do you tell them? “Sorry kid, suck it up…I know you just don’t want to be here for math class!” …. Not exactly appropriate.  Well, my little bracelet-making sweetheart came up to me first thing Monday morning and told me – “Mrs. Rhodes, I might have some trouble with my ears today.  They weren’t working this weekend and I might lose my voice because my throat hurts.” ….. For your peace of mind – her ears are still working.  Well, as far as I am aware of anyways!

On another happy note – I finally bought (well, mom bought) a dress for Kemp’s wedding.  That makes one less thing for me to worry about.  I’d been watching this dress since the beginning of last fall and it finally went on sale!!!! I may be overdressed, but I’ll be a Grecian glamour goddess. Haha.  Well, the dress is a Grecian glamour goddess in my eyes at least. 

Today I taught two lessons – math and science.  Both went fairly well.  For math I reviewed homework problems many of them were having trouble with before I gave them their math exam.  For the review I used an overhead so everyone could watch me work out each individual problem…..Ya…..I had a shadow puppet show going on up front.  Needless to say, that little girl didn’t do as well as she would have if she had been paying attention. 

 Friday Mrs. Cade will be absent.  For the first time, ever, I will be the teacher in a classroom.  Of course there will be a substitute, but I will be teaching everything.  This will be a test – a test for my patience, a test of my teaching ability, and a listening and following direction test for my students.  I’m praying they don’t give me a hard time! 

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