Sunday, January 25, 2009

A week in review

Last week went by so quickly.  I love having Mondays off.  The government should include Monday in the weekend.  People would be less stressed and much happier! 

Lets see...I taught several lessons.  All of them went fairly well.  Once you're done you always think of something you could have done better- its inevitable. 

I created a door display for the class.  'Mrs. Cade's Class Is Sweet on TAKS" All the students got a heart.  The heart had their picture on it and they had to write their TAKS goal on the heart. I know I know...I'm so clever.   :)

Thursday, I, as well as the other teachers, got to break up a fight between two fourth-grade boys.  Why on earth they were fighting? - we have no clue! Their punishment was school suspension for 2 days...not nearly hard enough...these boys seem to be in trouble all the time! Mrs. Cade surprised me by bringing in two Diet Cokes from the coke machine in the afternoon - Absolutely made my day! I needed it after the recess commotion. 

The best part of my  Thursday..... Jacob told me he loved me.  Sorry for getting mushy on ya pop - but it was the best part of my day. Dont worry- I'll always be your little girl no matter what.  Promise! Couldn't ask for a better set of parents.  

Friday - best part of the week- the PTO catered lunch for all the teachers.  They do this once every 6 weeks.  It was soups - chili, chicken noodle, taco sup, beef stew - all scrumptious.  I tried basically all of them...I had to!  They also brought sweet tea with the good sonic ice and a plethora of desserts to choose from.  We were like a bunch of hippos full! It was a much needed treat! Later that afternoon we had an ice cream party for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students for doing so well on their practice TAKS test.  

I spent the weekend relaxing.  Slept till lunch everyday and took naps in the afternoon. Very very very very lazy.  Loving every minute of it.  But if it helps - I did grade papers in between sleeping periods :)   

I only have two weeks left before my Full Responsibility starts...Yikes! Im starting to get very nervous! I also have to begin studying for my ESL test...especially since I didnt pass it the first one question! :( 

1 comment:

Lauren said...

You have two full weeks before full responsibility!!! I start MONDAY!!! No worries- You will be great!!