Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Raiders, Magnolias, & Holes

Today began just as a Monday would....except it was Tuesday.  It was one of those days where as much as you try do what your suppose to do.... that's just not going to happen.  

The first lesson of the day was on Hooks & Grabbers in writing.  We are trying to teach our students to create a hook at the beginning of their stories to draw the reader in.  To do so, we got to show 2 min clips (the law only lets us show 2 min)  of Raiders of The Lost Ark, Steel Magnolias, and Holes.  My favorite of course was Raiders of the Lost Ark, but all the kiddos liked Holes (it's Disney!)......You should have seen their expression when we played Steel Magnolias.  It's safe to assume they would never read the book.....they all thought the beginning pretty much sucked.  hahaha 

Our lesson this morning was interrupted by the inauguration.  The entire school watched it for a good hour.  Obama was the first president I have ever witnessed being sworn in.  The whole time I just kept thinking....please dont get shot in front of all these people! Aretha Franklin performed, as well as an amazing concerto.  Sassy Franklin wore a hat with a HUGE bow on it...the kids found it quite amusing.  

Lunch flew by, as well as recess.  The afternoon was interrupted by an assembly in the cafeteria. Fundraiser time! It's for cookie dough, and I, of course, have already been asked to buy some.  These kids dont waste time when it comes to prizes.  I told one little girl I would buy some for her....but that's it! I don't need any cookie dough anyways! 

I finally got my trips to the gym going again...it only took 5 months???  Luckily, I have Ms. Amber Storm there with me now. It's  much more motivating! 

Tomorrow I will be teaching 3 lessons - reading, writing, and science.  All of which are very time consuming and hectic! I will also get all next weeks lesson assignmnets.  That means I will be sending the next 5 nights typing them up.  Byebye lazy relaxing evenings! 


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