Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kids Say the Darnest Things!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Back at Bowen. Back at Bowen. As nervous as I might have been, I couldn’t wait to see all my kiddos.  Instead of asking the students what they enjoyed about the Christmas break, Mrs. Cade asked them why they were happy to be back at school. Clever! My sweet little Allison, the one who gave me the card before I left, said “That we get to see Ms. Rhodes again.” J


During our conference period, which … in all reality isn’t much of free period, we received a new female student.  As much as we are enjoying her, the sudden arrival put a complete twist on the day and our prepared plans.


Mrs. Cade read aloud a story during reading block.  Each week the students are given a story.  At the end of the week the students are tested on vocabulary and story comprehension.  While the story was a complete bore (a blind woman and her guard dog), I did get a bit of laughter out of it.  Before she began to read, Mrs. Cade directed the students to the photos.  She asked the students to glance at the photographs and try to determine the frame of time it might have taken place in.  Shannon, a sweetheart nearly as tall as me, pointed to a picture.  She said that the story must have taken place a while back because she had no idea what the object was…….it was a TYPEWRITER.  Could I feel any older?


In the afternoon Mrs. Cade was suddenly ambushed with a load of paperwork due at the end of the day (of course….like she doesn’t have teaching to do).  I noticed her frantic scurry and offered to teach the science lesson.  The kiddos got to devise a plan to figure out the temperature outside.  I really enjoyed the lesson. Science is always a fun subject to teach because the students get to interact with one another.  Their faces usually light up when it’s a science day! Most of them placed a thermometer outside and then went to check it later…..so smart!


After school all the student teachers had to rush over to Houston Elementary School.  We had a meeting with our supervisor.  The meeting did nothing but confuse the heck out of me! BUT it ended before it was suppose to…..that I did like! The good thing- everyone else seems to be in the dark too! By the time I got home I was EXHAUSTED!!! I was a zombie…...



Tuesday, January 6, 2009


My morning began with a phone call from mom.  6:45 a.m. and I still wasn’t awake.  GRRR. Apparently I was just too tired last night to set my alarm clock.  I hate waking up late.  Your in rush mode and you carry that mindset for the rest of the day…..I need a good hour to myself to wake up, make a pot of coffee, prepare my lunch, watch a little television, and get ready.  DEFINITELY didn’t get that this morning!


The morning went by fairly quickly.  We all did the macarana together (It’s productive for students to perform movements where they cross one limb over their body…stimulates the brain.).  The boys of course joined me at the front of the classroom and were silly as can be.  They make my heart smile.  …Caleb, embodied by big blue eyes and freckles that cover his face, came up to me before a lesson and gave me a chuckle.  He said, “Ms. Rhodes can I go to the bathroom?”  We were about to start a lesson so I asked if it was an emergency. He said, “Yes, (while tugging on his britches…big smile on face) I just ….I gotta fix my pants!” …. Hahahaha I loved it.


Before the day was over we had a quick social studies lesson.  Mrs. Cade asked the class to join her at the back of the room by the couch.  (She often sits on the couch and reads to them.) Next week the class will begin to discuss the Battle of the Alamo and Mrs. Cade was providing the students with some background information.  The topic: Stephen F. Austin.  Mrs. Cade explained after reading that our state capitol was named after him.  Ross, a very intelligent young man who always appears to be full of energy, told Mrs. Cade he knew why we called the capitol Austin.  “We call it Austin not only because of Stephen F. Austin, but because it’s in Austin.”   I about DIED!!!! Hahaha   No…Ross, it’s called Austin purely because of this dead fella…..Not because the area was called Austin, Texas. Oh, kids!


I stayed after school for a while to prepare my schedule for next week. Yuck….I’ m definitely not going to like having to sit down for hours to prepare a calendar that is always, and most likely, subject to change.  This could be a LONNNNG semester…..the planning part at least. 

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