Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lunch Box Blues

Isn’t Wednesday, being midweek, suppose to be one of the days you’re most alert and have energy? …I was in lala land today. I took a salad for lunch, so when I got to school I put it in the fridge in the teachers room (in the cafeteria basically).

Come lunch time I couldn’t find my lunch. I searched through the pod closet where we all keep our belongings. I trampled through the classroom overturning my book bag….Nadda…Darnit...I was really looking forward to that salad too!

… I thought :
1. I forgot my lunch, but remembered bringing it.
2. Could I have left it in my car?
3. That I misplaced it….doubtful. It’s in the same place everyday.
4. Someone accidentally took it.

I took the babies to the cafeteria while Mrs. Cade was heating up her lunch in the room. Very quickly I might add. She was worried I wouldn’t have time to find my lunch and eat. All the while, I was still completely unaware of where the heck my lunch was. As I was standing there watching the class file through the lunch line it finally hit me….DUH MORGAN, you put it in the fridge! I don’t know what was going on…I am so off this week. It’s going to take me some time to get back on track and used to my new schedule.

At lunch I sat by the same group of girls I had yesterday. I just listen to them giggle and ask each other silly questions. The topic today: Middle School. Where each would end up? (It is so hard looking at these little girls imagining them in middle school. It blows my mind….I’m sure I looked the same though! Scrawny!) One of the girls, Rachel, began telling the other three girls she was going to be attending a private middle school. She didn’t want to go, but her mother was making her. Amanda, very petite, country, full of freckles, and known for her giant wide-mouthed smile, said “That’s expensive! It’s like sixty dollars a month!”…..I laughed on the inside…LISA WISHES!

I’m going to have to start getting strict with the students. Not something I am looking forward to, but I am having trouble getting them to see me as their teacher and not a friend. They don’t listen to me at all when we are in the hallway. As soon as Mrs. Cade enters they are quiet as can be….Me, not so much! It's difficult going from a methods student whose job is to act as a helper/friend for the students, to the role of a teacher who not only teaches, but enforces rules. Completely different.

We had our second student teacher meeting after school with our supervisor at Houston Elementary. The woman, while very sweet and probably means well, about drove me nuts. Confused the heck out of all of us! It’s done with though and I have, to an extent, a clear picture of how the semester will play out. 12 total weeks. Weeks 6-7 and 10-11 I will take on full responsibility. Between weeks 10 and 11 falls spring break. Until then I will teach one to two subjects per week. Mrs. Cade and I planned out next week….I will focus on science and social studies. This weekend will keep me busy planning those!

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