Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Squash Smosh

Wow – I can’t believe it’s been a whole week since I’ve blogged!  I’m so behind.

 Let’s see: Last Friday I finally got to teach all day, just me.  Mrs. Cade was gone for the day.  Of course, there was a substitute, because I’m not allowed to be alone yet, but I did all the teaching.

 We did a fun macaroni activity.  The macaroni acted as apostrophes, commas, and quotation marks.  I wrote bare sentences on strips of paper and the kids had to use the macaroni to punctuate them correctly.  There were 10 stations and each pair rotated around until they had visited all the stations. 

 My favorite par during the activityt:   Here’s how it plays out ::

  Caleb:  Zariyah, your hair keeps leaving grease on all the chairs I sit in. (He didn’t mean it rudely at all – even though it sounds like it)

  Maya:   WELL, she is brown!  (She just smiled, thinking it was funny)

 I about DIED laughing.  I just went and hugged Maya.  Kids really do say the funniest things.  She wasn’t black, but brown. Haha.

 Anyways, Friday went great.  Sure there were a few behavioral problems here and there, but overall the kids did a good job of treating me as their teacher.



 Monday went by in a blur.  Mrs. Cade let me leave right when school got out so I could run home to study for my ESL test (English Second Language).  Grr….so was not in the mood to study! Tests like that are just ridiculous.  Doesn’t the state know – that’s why God invented books! So we don’t have to memorize EVERYTHING!

 I took my test at 8 am Tuesday morning. I was out of there in an hour or so. The day was complete bliss. I felt like a college student again! ….. I ran to office max, then to target, went home and took a nap, ate lunch in front of the TV, worked on some lessons, worked out….. it was RELAXING!!!

 I concluded the evening by smashing a ten-dollar spaghetti squash on the sidewalk.  I told mom she was never allowed to introduce me to a vegetable that required a man to crack open.  I had the butcher knife stuck in it for a good fifteen minutes.  FINALLY once I threw it on the ground it cracked open…..You would think everything would go according to plan after that….Nope.  I cooked it wrong.  I totally forgot to cover it in the oven so it could steam properly.  Needless to say, I got aggravated- left it in the oven (overnight), put the chicken back in the fridge, and had popcorn for dinner!

 Today was a pretty good day. I was exhausted, but what’s new? My supervisor came and watched me teach a reading lesson. I got all good comments- something I wasn’t expecting! I’m finally starting to feel this weight lifted off my shoulders.  Or maybe it’s just the stress lessening? When Full Responsibility starts next week, so I’m sure I’ll be back to stress mode ASAP.

 Mom comes Friday and I’m THRILLED.  Girl’s night!   Mom, Amber, Emily, and I are going to see He’s Just Not That Into You.  I know it will be great. I’ve had that movie release date in my calendar since November…I know – I’m a weirdo!


OH – And Molly is doing wonderful.  Her naps have been a steady 8 hours, and mom has kept her food bowl filled properly! 

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