Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ike and Crickets

Today was actually pleasant. Except for the whole - No I cant tell you your results today thing. Seriously...tests either save tested positive or tested negative...that simple! What is there to interpret?? Where I got it...doubtful? Apparently more than I am aware of.

Molly and I awoke at 10, drank some coffee while we watched Regis and Kelly, then we cleaned (she had made a complete and utter mess of my bathroom), and continued to do homework for the remainder of the day. We actually finished our list of To Do's by 5!! Yay for us. Now we just have to figure this whole IKE thing out. It's making its way toward me, so hopefully my apartment wont cave in on me (We all know it has its problems). If it does, I've enjoyed life so far... Oh, and I'd liked to be buried with my cat.

Oh, she would like me include that she did get to play with a cricket for a while, but it was a little too ended up in my bathtub. Not while I was in it. While the water was running. So, the little guys fate was the toilet. But a double positive - Molly got to play and she didnt eat i dont have to smell her nasty breathe.

P.S. Im feeling much better today and am assuming its not mono. Unless this medicine is really working and as soon as I get just HITS me!

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