Monday, September 29, 2008

Im such a Procrastinator

Lauren told me I needed to get on my blog...I was taking to long! :) This weekend was a lot of fun. Thursday I ate dinner at Olive Garden with Holly and Pale. It was scrumptious as always. Never go wrong with a salad and bean soup. We watched Greys Anatomy afterward. I must say, I was fairly disappointed in it. Friday......hmm Friday. I slept in. Finished up some homework. Cleaned. Then went out on the town.

Saturday I basically did nothing until the evening. I told myself I would do homework.... I might have told myself, but didn't do a very good job of convincing. Nothing got done. Holly and I went to a ring dunk. Rachael invited us. We had no idea who the boys were that dunked and got there literally seconds after they finished. So everyone EVERYONE saw us walk into the backyard directly after they finished. The best part, the families catered the event with chopped BBQ burgers. It hit the spot...I cant remember the last time I had one of those.

Sunday...once again did NO homework. Holly and I did however go see Nights In Rodanthe. I had read the books years ago, but didnt remember a thing. I just knew that one the main characters die. Knowing that I dont cry all that easily, Im not sure if it was my mood or if it was truly that sad...but I bawled. Holly did too. After, we went for a walk. It felt really good outside and we could use the exercise.

So that pretty much sums up the whole weekend...basically I spent it with Holly. She was highly entertaing though. And I introduced her to some new friends .... hopefully I will be able to get her out more. She needs it!

Today Lauren and I got SOME work done. We are such go-getters (today we were itleast haha). To bad everyone else isnt. Win some lose some. Lauren, poor little darling, is having to wear a halter monitor for 3o days. She is having fast heart palpitations. I feel so bad for her! I had to wear a monitor for 3 days and thought I was going to die. She gets the same itches and rashes as well! Poor thing...

This week shouldnt be too overwhelming. I feel like I dont have THAT much to do, but that could change in an instant. Always does. The Kooks concert Im taking Drew too is in just a few days and Im thrillled!! For the most part, besides little country concerts, its my first REAL concert. And they are great band to sing and dance to. Im looking forward to it!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I just got soo excited when I saw you had updated! Way to go! So proud!! I cant believe you told me that one of the main characters dies!!!