Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bowen Way

Today was back at ole Bowen Elementary. We were fairly busy, but the kids were well behaved today. On three separate occasions I got to work either one on one or in groups. Surprisngly, I enjoyed it. I get to be kind of silly with them and they pay attention more.

My teacher told me a sad story. Keep in mind - the class is learning about the metric system right now. ... Well, one girl in her class she said has all the sudden just completely changed in behaviour. Our of no where. She used to be very reserved and well-behaved. Now she is all over the place and not listening. Well, after repeated warnings she asked the young girl to listen and quit disobeying. Apparently the little girl was upset by the sharp warning and told a friend, or two, that if they measured the teachers butt...it would be itleast two meter sticks wide. HOW AWFUL. Somewhere around this little girl was the student who likes to tell the teacher everything, the one who acts like the spy, and she did just that. My teacher said her feelings were hurt, especially since that area can be a sensitive subject, but that she wasnt going to say anything or let it affect her teaching. I felt bad for her!

Other than that...today was great. But I felt like a zombie. I never really got energy. Good thing the kids keep me busy or I would have just passed out.

Mom informed of two things: 1. I actually did wear a heart monitor for 30 days and simply forgot. Im not really sure how though. 2. I use the word "itleast" and thats not a word. I never really thought about my use of that word until she told me. Ive never been good at grammar anyways :) Love me for misspellings

I've been so lazy this week. Im not sure what has come over me. School is just finally starting to shut me down. Im so tired of nonsense work. I wouldnt mind if it would actually help me out come next year.

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