Wednesday, October 1, 2008

4th Grader Mini-Dramas

Boy Fourth Graders sure are interesting specimens. Today at Bowen Elementary was quite something. Lets see where to start ???

All of the fourth grade had a meeting today. That made 3 teachers, 2 method students, and 60-70 fourth graders. There was a LONG list we all had to go over. Not really we, the teachers. But Lauren and I have noticed the behavior and have our eyes and ears open. It was simple things like not listening, dont touch your friends food, no food fights, treat each other with respect, and no name calling. The big one, the one that surprised me: No fighting. Apparently two boys had scheduled , yes scheduled, a fight today at recess. One boy stole the other boys girlfriend. Drama already and they are only 10! One student over heard and told the teacher. Needless to say, there was no fight. I dont think it will be the last scheduled fight though. All of these kids are so into their mini-dramas. All they talk about is this persons boyfriend or how they pulled a girls number. I dont remember being like that. All I can really remember was liking boys in fourth grade (or every grade for that matter "wink wink" ) and wishing Amanda would let me play soccer - she always told me they didnt have room for me. See ... that rotten thing started out mean.

My second interesting story has to do with a boy in Lauren's class. Since we started this observation he has been nothing but trouble. Bringing air horns to school, which is against the law. Stealing things off the teacher's desk, threatening and pushing other students, including the teachers kindergarten twin daughters. He told them he was going to hurt them. How stupid can this kid be? Espeically to do it to a teacher's child...... Yesterday he was required to sit in ISS - In School Suspension. His mother is no help either. Last week when he got into trouble for the air horn- she brought him Schlotzskis for lunch. What a punishment!!! ..........Apparently, he didnt learn his lesson though. Today he was all over the place. Humping the bookshelves (yes, humping), asking Lauren if she is Mexican (shes not, nor does she look like it), and discussing sex topics with friends under the table. He really went over and beyond when he, and a friend (who just laughed and was purely there to watch) asked Lauren if she (and Im not sure if these are the exact words, but are in the vacinity) if she..."gave it up for her husband." 1. Shes not married and doesnt even wear a ring on that finger. 2. Did he really just ask her if she gave it up? Hes in fourth grade!!

Lauren was going to try an avoid the question. She was just taken aback he asked that. She didn't want him to get into anymore trouble, because the teacher has had to call his mother everyday for the week. When he left Lauren though, he began to laugh about it and tell all his friends. So she told the teacher and he is now in even more trouble. He then claimed he didnt even know what it meant when he asked if she gave it up. Liar. That poor teacher. And Lauren. Can you fourth grade already bullying, stealing, and talking about sex. Just imagine high school! It's really sad! And Im sure his mother will do nothing. She already thinks the ISS for the air horn and threats was too harsh. (And if you're wondering...she's a single parent, he's never met his father, and has an older brother which im sure is real "cool" - but still those aren't good enough reasons for his behavior)

So that what all very interesting. Fourth graders these days are much more ahead in the relationship/sex world that I EVER expected. Geezzz....Needless to say I am exhausted. I never really realized how long a teacher's job is. You're not done at 3:30 .... Nope. You work hours after that and into the weekend. Every one of the fourth grade teachers, so far this semester, has been at the elementary school every Saturday almost all day since school started. YUCK. I was not real pleased to hear this.

Anyways....on campus tomorrow and then a girl's night with Amber and maybe Laura. That is the only part of tomorrow I am excited for! And knowing that I dont have school Friday of course! :)

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