Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Was a Teacher!

I was a teacher today!!!!!
As a class, we discussed how reading a sentence can differ if it ends in a period, question mark, or exclammation mark. I paired off all the students, good readers with some that need help, funny with shy, and so on. Each group was given a short two page poem they practiced and then presented to the class. I didn't expect them to enjoy it, but they loved it! Mrs. Cade and I did it before to show them...mabye thats why. We made it look like fun. They did so well though and used expression. We had feet stomping and arms flying in the air. It amazes me how adorable they are. I call them my babies.
I was so nervous though. Mainly because Mrs. Cade was there. She asked me after school what I thought about the lesson. I told her I was actually kind of nervous. She said at one point she could tell I was a little nervous and remembered what that was like. She made sure to tell me that she would never be sitting there just critiquing me or judging me. After the lesson she gave me a little note telling me I did great, how great of connection I have with the students, and how much she appreciates me. I love her. If I dont get to be with her in the spring I will be devastated!!
Mrs. Cade gave me two pictures. One of the girls and one of the boys in the class. I tried to scan them, but it wouldnt work. Next week I will be sure to take my camera. I can't believe I havent taken any yet. Although, some schools wont let you take any without parental permission. Thats why I havent tried. Now I will....I need pictures of my babies!
And the procrastination goes on...and on...and on......

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