Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Love Story

The best part of my day was listening to my fourth grade mentor teachers discuss their love stories. My teacher, Elizabeth, met her husband at the blossoming age of fourteen. They have been inseparable since. They now have two children, one a senior in high school, the other in middle school. She says hes the best man she has ever known.

But here's the real kicker. The story that made my heart jump and flutter. The story that makes you think fairy tales really can come true....depending on your interpretation of a fairy tale that is....

Lauren's mentor, Nona, had her fair share of failed relationships. She dated the bad, the ugly, and the worse. Sometimes all in one as she will say. After quite some time she took advice from her mother. Her mother began to tell her an interesting story of her own that has stuck with her to this day. When her mother was younger she wrote down everything she wanted in a man...kind, giving, respectful...you get the drift. She placed the list in her Bible and exactly a year later from that date she met Nona's father. Nona thought What the Heck! What do I have to lose? She thus set out to create her very own list of qualities she thought she deserved from a man, actually knew she deserved

On July 16 she placed the list in her Bible and forgot about it. ....Time went by and she continued to work at the vet's office as a receptionist. One day a man walked in, one she described as a "big guy" carrying a kitten. His kitten was treated, he was friendly with her, and went on his way. That night she received a call from the handsome kitten man... at home, somehow he had tracked her home number. He played it off well, stating he had with a question about the cat's medicine. He asked her out on a date and since then, well, the rest is history. They have twin daughters in first grade and a younger daughter as well. .............And do you know the exact date he walked into that clinic...Yes, it was July 16th. A year from the date in which she scribbled down everything she wanted in a man. She said later on she went to the checklist and saw the date. She then went down every item...he got a check for all!


Needless to say, I have made my list and its tucked tight in my Bible.

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