Tuesday, October 21, 2008


While I was writing early this morning I completely forgot to provide a weekend recap. Finally Amber was actually in town!!! We hung out with our usually group of overly silly Aggie boys, along with a few graduates from West Point who are now in the Army living in Oklahoma. All the boys act like ten year olds, which is why they are so much fun! There is never a dull moment, never a smile that recedes ones face, or a laugh that isn't chuckling.

Friday night we all met to watch Josh dunk his ring. He did excellent....29 seconds, surprising us all. In addition to great chugging abilities, he tie dyed his own outfit. A head band and biker shorts....by far, the funniest thing I have seen in weeks!

Saturday all of us got up early. Well, as early as we could that is. ATM vs Tech was actually a bigger fight than expected. Not that I payed any attention....I learned a new game instead. It's called backyard golf. Two golf balls are attatched at the ends of a piece of rope. You throw the rope (by holding one of the golf balls) and try to ring it around one of three pieces of horizontally layed PBC pipe. Who has time to think of these things...Im not sure, but it was definitely fun...and I most defintely sucked at it.

Today at Bowen was fairly pretty quiet. The best part? Scholastic Book Sale OF COURSE! I got so excited when I walked in this morning to see the doors open, books waiting for me on crisp white shelves. I bought eleven....eleven well deserved and spectacular books that is!

After school I met Amber and Emily to head out on a mini roadtrip. Amber has been dying to get a puppy. She finally found a lady selling three Sheltie pups in Caldwell. We packed in Amber's small white mustang and headed down the highway. Three babes, big sunglasses, and the radio blasting. We make our turn onto private road 1007 and journey down a long narrow gravel road. We are what seems to be near this "puppy farm" house (as Mom calls it) when we see large bumps of unsettled sand and gravel. The road dips and rises. Clearly they didn't see if necessary to level the gravel they had recently placed on the road. Amber slowly drags her low car along the gravel before stopping halfway. We all had realized the cliff of gravel that lied ahead us would be impossible. Thank God for cell phones...she called the lady.

This lady, who must spend all day outside and have smoked for half her life, agrees to meet us where we are stopped. After Amber gets off the phone, she proceeds to try and turn her car around. In the process we manage to get stuck horizontally in this narrow road. We can go no more than a foot in front of or behind us, and our wheels are burried deep in sand. Luckily, the lady arrives quickly as well as the neighbors whose house we are sitting in front of. It took about 15 minutes, but the neighbor and his young son were eventually able to pull us out, but not without sand and dirt flying ten feet in the air....all toward us. .... The pups were adorable and Amber is desperate for one. Don't we all the moment we hold them! If she does end up buying the puppy I think she will be sure not to take her car back to get it!!!

Tomorrow I will be teaching my first actual lesson. Up until now I just helped out or did the daily warm ups for langauge and math. The lesson has to do with fluency and expression when reading. Two students will be paired, each with a set of lines. They will practice together and then present their poem/story to the class using as much expression as possible and reading fluently while doing so. I'm not exactly having to teach anything, it's mostly the students working. Although, I'd much rather be walked into the lesson process than thrown.

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