Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ring & Birthday Weekend

The weekend began of course with Mom arriving Thursday night. Which, by far, was the best. Friday was BUSY. Very very busy. For mom's birthday I took her to get a pedicure. It was at the Riveria Day Spa. It resembled the Woodhouse, but we both thought it was better. By lunch, I think I had already wore Lisa out! Poor thing is gunna be tired for days after a weekend with me. Anyways.........
After, we hurried home and got ready for the ring ceremony. Not that I would call it a ceremony, more like ...stand in line for five minutes, sign your name on a line, get a box with a gold ring, and take a few pictures in an ugly gym-like building. So, I got my ring and was much more excited than I expected to be. After taking a ton of pictures with Emily and Amber (and sweating way too much from standing outside) we headed home to prepare for the party.

The ring/birthday party started at 7 or so. Basically we all just stood around outside Amber's place and visited. I was starved having to wait to eat until after the dunk. Yes dad, I dunked it. Peer pressure...sorry. But, I did pretty good :) Once that was over, a big sigh of relief came, and then I ate, and ate a lot! A friend of Amber’s made Mom and I the prettiest cake. It was delicious! After, I hung out with John and Kelly for the rest of the night. Besides Mom coming this weekend, John and Kelly coming made my day.

Saturday I can’t say too much happened. Altho, it was busy even so. ....Sunday Mom and I ran lots and lots of errands, ate lunch at Friday’s (which took FOREVER), and went to see the new Dane Cook movie. Which I LOVED. He’s a funny funny guy. Monday- we first headed to DPS to get my driver license renewed, one that I didn’t have to get renewed. After wasting our time there, we went to the new outlet mall in Houston. Then spent the afternoon relaxin on the floor watching Made of Honor. For my birthday, Mom took me to Olive Garden, my favorite! I had bowls upon bowls of salad, parmesean crusted tilapia, and a big piece of Black Tie Mousse cake. All I can say is ...I have had A WHOLE LOT of sweets this weekend. Somehow, I have managed to become tired of sweets. Although, im sure that will last an entire five minutes before I am ready for my next cookie.

Overall, the weekend was quick, tiring, fun, and full of laughter. I was thrilled to get my ring, had a blast with mom, and enjoyed all the company. I had more friends show up to the party than I had imagined would, which of course meant a lot!

I spent the majority of the day at Bowen. I was a zombie though. I couldn’t stop yawning. The students were much better behaved than last Thursday and I got to work one-on-one with a group of students during reading time. At first I really wasn’t looking forward to working with this particular group of students, bad of me to say, but I wasn’t. They were the students that have trouble reading, don’t pay attention, and simply don’t care. But as I worked with them, I really began to enjoy their little characters. Or should I say big characters. I think they did much better in a small group setting where other students weren’t taking over the class and got to participate without feeling scared of being wrong. Tomorrow I workout day so I get to wear sweat pants and tennis shoes….cant get any better than that!!
It sure is quiet now though...without Mom and Lilly barking every ten seconds ~

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